Hot Off The Press

Facebook is (outrageously) acting as a broker between the Brazilian government and assorted anti-social carpetbaggers around the world to buy up the Amazon in bite-size chunks. We suggest that, for starters, you might like to sign this petition being got up by Greenpeace. h/t to Keith Melton

In the medium term, how about organising the biggest ever ‘just giving’ crowd-funding appeal for the people of the world to buy the parcels? We might try persuading individual governments to cough up…perhaps this is something Greta Thunberg would like to take on? It would be the ultimate exercise in paying it forward.

Rachel Carson:

29 minute BBC Sounds programme Rachel Carson, “The first Patron Saint of the Environmental Movement.” Author of ‘Silent Spring’ about pesticides like DDT,developed in the 50’s & 60’s, killing not only insects but many birds as well. [Spotted by Josie Parr].

The Short Answer – only 6 minutes C4-‘An Astrophysicist’s Case For Eating Less Meat’ or read the more detailed and nuanced analysis of Professor Sarah Bridle’s ideas in this issue of Greeneralia.

Natural Capital Accounts for the UK “are lots of stats but do give a useful range of measures across nature in UK across last 20yrs. See big declines in birds and moths in some locations. Acidity of soil still washing out from the days of mass coal burning (acid rain)”.[Spotted by Peter Bruce]

A great overview presentation from Nikki Jones , Chair of Avon Needs Trees on progress against Paris Targets: ‘Are we losing the chance for a Green Recovery?’ So many challenges as we are way behind carbon budgets and science says need to do even faster… [Spotted by Peter Bruce]

Routes to Action is a series of five workshops with contributors from farming, science, economics, ecology, food businesses and more on transitioning towards an agroecological food system and farming practices – from farm to landscape to nation. [Spotted by VMS]

Climate and Ecological Emergency: UK’s Response – in the House of Commons a on 9 February 2021.

You can follow discussion in Parliament on these (and other) issues by signing up to they work for you

Fresh water fish in catastrophic decline‘ by Helen Briggs, BBC Environment Correspondent, shared by Steve Mason on ‘Environmental Smart’, Facebook. 22 February

Plant Swap Bellingham is a new Facebook page created by Kevin Smith to reduce plant miles and ensure hardy plants for those living in ‘very rural Northumberland with no nearby garden centres and very cold weather!’

Others similarly placed may like to copy….?

Not really hot off the press (2020) but it was news to me;

One hour on an exercise bike could power your home for a day, and Manoj Bhargava is putting his idea into practice by distributing 10,000 bicycles free in India in 2021. He leads ‘Billions in Change’.

Thoughts before COP26

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

#TogetherForOurPlanet | #COP2611:00 AM · Feb 23, 2021· The main website for COP26 is updated daily

Did Henry Ford (or did he not) make a car in 1941 composed almost entirely of hemp?

Not exactly hot off the press, admittedly, but what do you think is the answer?

Green Finder (spotted by VMS) is a useful eco ‘yellow pages’ :

We are here to help you in your quest for a greener lifestyle whether you are making your first faltering steps in sustainability or you are a fully fledged environmentalist wishing to learn more about saving the planet

Whole Grain Digital introduces a toolkit that can help you measure and reduce your digital carbon emissions. h/t to Steve Mason of Environmental Smart.

It’s Spring-Clean your Lifestyle Week from 12-21 March, shared by Carbon Savvy. Of course, some of us don’t get round to spring-cleaning until April: never too late to start! h/t to SP

Nature has learnt how to eat plastic. Nature always finds a they say! But it looks like it may actually be true in the case of our global plastic waste dilemma. Genetic mutations have been discovered in specific natural bacteria that enable them to break the polymer chains of certain plastics. Where have we found these bacteria? Well…in plastic recycling dumps of course. So, gloves and masks on everyone. We’re going in!” Produced by justhaveathink and spotted by CH, thank-you.

Greenpeace has produced a teaching aid aimed at 11-14- year-olds on the plastic problem

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